How Kidney Failure is Linked to Aging 

It’s no secret that kidney function declines with age. Approximately one-third of all adults aged 75 and older have some degree of chronic kidney disease. However, many seniors may not be aware of the seriousness of this condition or what they can do to prevent it from developing. In this post, we’ll explore the link between kidney failure and aging, and provide tips on how to keep your kidneys healthy.

What is kidney failure and what are the symptoms?

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition in which the kidneys are damaged and cannot filter blood properly. The kidneys regulate how much fluid enters the bloodstream which means they play an important role in maintaining balance between what goes into our bodies versus coming out; it also helps control damaging toxins like Amyl Nitrate (a chemical found naturally occurring) through urine output. When the kidneys are not working at their optimal level, waste builds up in the blood and many seniors may not be aware of this until symptoms begin to appear.

The symptoms of this condition can be difficult to diagnose, but they typically include anuria and hematuria. Anuria occurs when a patient has less than normal urine output per day; while haematuria is the presence of blood in the urine, either visible (seen by the naked eye) or non-visible (confirmed by urine dipstick or urine microscopy) – both signs indicate there may have been some sort harm done internally with regard to their urination process.

Symptoms of other diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes may become more noticeable when CKD is present; seniors might experience symptoms that include: fatigue, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain. Most patients with chronic kidney disease will also develop anemia. Symptoms like these are important to be aware of because there could be something else at play other than kidney disease.

What causes kidney failure and how can you prevent and/or treat it?

Kidney failure can be caused by a number of factors including disease, injury or nephritis.  Certain diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure can damage the kidneys over time, while injuries (like a car accident) or infections (like strep throat) can cause acute kidney failure. Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys and is often caused by an infection or autoimmune disease.

There are many ways to prevent kidney failure, including diet, which plays an important role in prevention through improved hydration. Better hydration aids in filtering out waste products from our bodies which would otherwise cause further complications, like infections that can lead to organ damage over time if left unchecked.

For seniors, the best thing one can do is pay close attention to any changes in your body as well as take preventative action and maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to fight back against serious illness. It’s also worth getting screened if you’re over 50 years old since it might save time down the line!

How is kidney failure linked to aging and what does this mean for seniors and their families?

Aging involves changes to our bodies, including all of our organs. One of those organs is the kidneys which help regulate blood pressure levels through urine production! But as we age these organs become less efficient at removing waste from your body all by themselves – leading you into chronic illnesses like nephritis (a type of inflammation) or glomerulonephritis (damage done to tiny blood vessels).

There are many seniors who have kidney failure, and it’s important to know what this means for them. The condition can lead your loved one towards needing dialysis or a transplant if they don’t get better with time on their own – which could be years! While they are going through these tough times, family members should ensure that they are engaging in social circles and activities; this will help them to relax and keep their minds off of what is happening – giving them valuable support.

What are some of the available treatment options for kidney failure patients?

A doctor can discuss a variety of treatment options with seniors including  a special diet to help the kidneys, medicines that will aid their kidney function, and dialysis if necessary.

There are three different types of renal replacement therapies:

  • Hemodialysis – this is a common type of kidney failure treatment in which your blood is pumped through a dialyzer and cleaned to remove toxins. Blood flows in one side of the dialyzer and comes out clean on the other before it is returned back into the body
  • Hemodiafiltration – this works very similar to hemodialysis, but also utilizes an ultrafilter for further toxin removal
  • Peritoneal dialysis – seniors on this treatment will be hooked up to a machine and absorb toxins through their abdomen.

These treatments can be changed and altered as time goes on depending on the patient’s progression, but the point of them is still to help seniors maintain some sort of normalcy in their lives during such trying times.

Of course, seniors will need to get a referral from their doctor before they can undergo any sort of treatment. They’ll also be given a better idea on what the possible benefits and drawbacks are for each type of therapy.

How can family members help support loved ones who are struggling with kidney failure?

Kidney failure can leave its victims feeling helpless, but there is plenty that family members and friends alike are able to do. Loved ones should have a genuine interest in the patient’s well-being; this will help them get through difficult times with greater ease when it comes down time for treatment decisions or just listening to what these people need from day-to-day to support their emotional health during illness management.

Sending seniors care packages while they go through their treatments is a great way to show you care. While it may not make the pain disappear right away, knowing their friends and family are thinking of them can be a tremendous source of strength.

Everyone takes a different approach when a loved one is going through this kind of health crisis, but if you have a strong relationship with seniors, you can get a better idea of what they need from their time in your care based on their behavior.

Helping family members who are struggling with kidney failure is an important part of ensuring their elderly loved ones’ well-being.

After discussing care options, it’s best if you can find someone that will do everything in their power to make sure your aging parents don’t have any difficulties living at home or traveling around town on public transportation because this could lead them into depression which would affect all aspects such as eating habits; sleeping patterns etc.. If these changes aren’t handled properly then there may even come a point where he/she stops wanting anything, including food, water or medicines. If you have an elderly loved one who is at risk for kidney failure, please don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. We provide comprehensive home health care services that can help keep your loved one healthy and safe. Contact us today (678) 494-8129 or email us at to learn more about our services or schedule a free consultation.