What Did You Say?

By |2018-04-24T23:01:56+00:00March 20th, 2018|Caregiver, Senior Care, Making Life Better, Safety|

Do you find the need to repeat yourself more often than not to the person you are caring for? Does your talking level closely resemble your yelling level just so your loved one can hear you? Are you speaking so slowly that you end up losing your train of thought? It is possible that the [...]

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Funding a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle

By |2018-01-22T01:14:11+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Senior Care, Health Care, Making Life Better, Safety|

OEM Rebate Programs Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can sometimes offer rebate assistance to customers when they purchase handicap accessibility products. When looking to cut your costs, vehicle manufacturer programs is the way to go. With credits of up to $1,000 being offered to families or individuals with disabilities purchasing an adaptive vehicle, this type of [...]

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The Caregiver’s Voice REVIEW – The Journey of Caregiving

By |2017-11-20T17:12:11+00:00November 20th, 2017|Senior Care, Health Care, Making Life Better, Safety|

For National Family Caregivers Month, we review Merrill Lynch’s just-released 42-page Caregiving Study Report, entitled, The Journey of Caregiving: Honor, Responsibility and Financial Complexity. While we often think of caregiving as hands-on care, surprisingly, 98% of family caregivers surveyed provide emotional and social support. Only 64% report providing hands on physical care. Over 2,000 family [...]

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Diagnosing Dementia – Look Over Your Doctor’s Shoulder

By |2017-11-20T17:12:11+00:00November 20th, 2017|Senior Care, Health Care, Making Life Better, Safety|

It used to be that speaking was a fear greater than death. Today, the fear of getting Alzheimer’s is frequently cited among the aging population. While VOICES with Dementia aims to raise awareness of people with dementia who live productive and meaningful lives, the stigma remains. But not for long among those willing to take [...]

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Caregiver, ASK for Help

By |2017-11-27T18:00:37+00:00November 20th, 2017|Making Life Better, Safety, Senior Care, Health Care|

Caregiver, ask for HELP before it’s too late. Oftentimes, caregiving families (including mine) dive into crisis mode before they know what they’re getting into. As they dive deeper and deeper, they lose sight of the shoreline. Soon, they come up and gasp for air. Looking around, there’s nothing but shark-filled waters. This is a risky [...]

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Caregiver, Are You A Time Debtor?

By |2017-11-20T17:12:11+00:00November 20th, 2017|Making Life Better, Safety, Senior Care, Health Care|

Linda Sivertsen presents the concept of Time Debt – something we caregivers experience, but likely didn’t have a name for, until now. When we were younger, time went by slowly; especially, when we’re in school. As we grew older, we likely had the same lament as our parents: The seasons pass too quickly. Sometimes, our [...]

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A Newlywed with Dementia? What’s A Caregiver to Do?

By |2017-11-20T17:12:11+00:00November 20th, 2017|Safety, Senior Care, Health Care, Making Life Better|

Caitlin Keating reports for People Magazine that these two newlyweds in the UK must now find a way to live dementia. Former globe trotter, Becky Barletta, who lived an active life now needs ’round the clock care. While her husband works, Becky needs caregivers to help look after her at her parents’ home. Despite symptoms [...]

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Caregiver Humor – Bittersweet Reflection

By |2017-11-20T17:12:11+00:00November 20th, 2017|Health Care, Making Life Better, Safety, Senior Care|

While caring for a loved one with dementia, there are painful moments, which make us wonder if we can go on. For some, within that pain, lies an opportunity for laughter. This is how we survive. Caregiver humor is like that – bittersweet . She Is Much Nicer Than You Are Retired nurse-turned caregiver, Jeanne [...]

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Caregiver Joey Daley Inspires

By |2017-10-30T13:10:03+00:00September 28th, 2017|Safety|

Caregivers like Joey Daley, father of three, take the initiative to follow the first tip of caregiving: Learn as much as you can about your loved one’s disease or illness to know what to expect. If that’s not enough, Joey took an even bigger step. He’s helping raise awareness of dementia and his mother’s Lewy [...]

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REVIEW of And Then I Looked Up Dementia – Women Speak Out

By |2017-10-30T13:11:12+00:00September 28th, 2017|Safety|

UK-based CEO of ADI , Paola Barbarino says, “All the women affected by dementia are exposed to what has been termed a triple jeopardy. They are discriminated against as a result of their AGE, of their GENDER, and of their CONDITION.” “And then I looked up Dementia ” yields demeaning synonyms in the dictionary for [...]

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