Alzheimer’s Disease: 6 Ways to Prevent the Onset

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and fatal neurodegenerative disorder that gradually worsens over time. It starts out as mild forgetfulness and then progresses to severe brain damage, leading to an inability to carry out the simplest tasks of daily life. In recent years, scientists have found that Alzheimer’s disease may be caused by a buildup of beta-amyloid protein in the brain. This can lead to inflammation in the brain which damages nerve cells and leads them to die off. However, not all people with Alzheimer’s will exhibit these symptoms at the same stage or severity so it can be difficult to diagnose.

As we age, our brain is the one thing that remains dependable. That is until it starts to wane and we start forgetting things more often than not. Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that affects many elderly people in their later years, but luckily there are some ways you can reduce your risk of developing it. Here are six ways to do just that!


Better brain health comes with a little sweat.

A recent study has shown that as much as 50% of the risk for Alzheimer’s disease can be reduced by regular exercise, and not just any type either- aerobic workouts have been found to work best! In one recent 12-month trial, just three 45-minute aerobic exercise sessions per week resulted in improved brain volume among those with mild cognitive impairment. So don’t worry about taking up jogging or joining your local gym today because you’ll never regret it! Exercise is an investment in yourself that will last forever through better memory function and sharper mental capacity.

Eat more vegetables and fruits

If you’re not already on the veggie bandwagon, it might be worth your while to hop aboard. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals can help decrease your risk for developing this debilitating condition.

Do your body a favor and eat more vegetables. With the high sugar content in most of our produce these days, it is important to have an alternative source for nutrients that are vital to health.

A healthy brain comes from healthy eating, so start cooking up!

Get enough sleep

Sleep is a natural process that allows your body to rest and repair itself. Be sure you are getting enough sleep in order to keep your brain functioning at an optimal level.

Lack of sleep is associated with an increased risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The most important thing to remember is that you need at least eight hours of sleep per day, so make sure your bedtime routine includes a set time for turning off electronics and winding down with calming activities. It’s difficult when life gets busy but try not to stay up too late or get less than six hours in a row if possible.

Reduce stress levels

When it comes to your health, stress is a major factor. Your heart can take too much pressure and you might end up with high blood pressure which puts you at greater risk for stroke or heart attack so in order to reduce your stress levels we recommend trying some of these activities:

  1. Take time out every day just for yourself when no one else is around! This will give you the chance to unwind while also enjoying quality time by yourself. Make sure that this includes relaxing music as well because nothing beats listening to tunes on our own without interruption from others o keep us company; try using headphones if need be!
  2. If old habits die hard then why not break them? Start small like spending 10 minutes per day reading something interesting (like this article) to help you break the habit of sitting in front of TV all day.
  3. Get your whole family involved with some fun activities! There are a lot of great ideas for things that can be done in groups like playing games, cooking together and even coloring or painting as a group activity – make sure everyone is involved because it’s about enjoying your time with those you love.

Quit smoking and/or drinking alcohol

For those who are struggling with cigarette addiction or alcoholism, the risk of Alzheimer’s disease is quite real. It has been shown that doing either can increase the risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease in later life, so it may be a good idea to just quit altogether! Smoking and heavy consumption of drinks such as wine are two habits with negative consequences when combined together- not only do they both contribute to heart issues but people who smoke also have an increased chance at getting lung cancer if they drink heavily too.

Stay mentally active

Have you ever felt your mind slipping away? With mental health issues on the rise, many people are looking for ways to keep their minds active. One such way is through puzzles or games that challenge one’s cognitive abilities like crossword puzzles and Sudoku. By staying mentally challenged with these types of tasks, it may help lower the chances of developing a dementia-related disorder later in life.

The brain is a sensitive organ and just like other organs in the body, it needs proper care to stay healthy. If you are already struggling with another condition such as diabetes or heart disease then this may increase your risk of getting dementia since these conditions can weaken one’s mental capacity over time.

We hope that this article has given you some helpful information on Alzheimer’s disease. It is an important topic to know about because it can affect anyone regardless of age, race or gender and so many people don’t understand what the symptoms are. If you’re concerned about developing this condition or are an elderly person with symptoms of dementia already, reach out to us! We can help assess your risk for Alzheimer’s Disease by using some simple cognitive tests (e.g., MMSE) as well as physical exams in order to determine if there are any other underlying conditions contributing to your memory loss, anxiety, depression, etc. We want this blog post to give you some helpful tips and also empower you through knowledge – after all, prevention is better than cure!

If you have any questions, concerns, or you just want to talk through your unique situation…Silver Companions is here to help. For a no-cost consultation, where we’ll discuss your specific circumstances, give us a call today at (678) 494-8129 or email us at